Let’s take a quick look at what you can expect to find when you update your game to version 1. SCUM Item IDs Stardew Valley Item Codes Skyrim Item Codes Fallout 4 Item. Fallout 4 now has tons of skin texture mods. Top 15 Fallout 4 Best Female Mods That Are Hot 1. According to the official Fallout 4 1.18 patch notes, there are bug fixes and. The modder is focusing on having proportions built upon the average adult female shape. Can’t say I’m bothered about the new doors, though, as with PC mods, I’ve already got dozens more than standard anyway. Fallout 4 Update 1.18 for PS4, Xbox One and PC is now available for download. The new patch brings with it a few general performance improvements, which are always a welcome addition for any format, as well as support for add-ons, more metal and wood door variants, and a nice range of bug fixes. The new update brings a lot of patches and they’re certainly welcome, as with such a big game it’s inevitable that there will be a lot of bugs.

Fallout 4 is still going strong and I’m sure many of you are either still walking the wasteland or, at least, you’re planning to get started on the latest Bethesda developed epic.